KDK Family Law

  • Working Hours

    Mon - Fri : 09:00-17:00

Hands signing divorce document

When you arrange an appointment with a lawyer from our office and your matter relates to the division of your assets and/or spouse maintenance then it will be very helpful if you can collate the following documents to bring with you:

  1. A schedule of assets and liabilities – you should sit down before you come in and try and work out (to the best of your knowledge) what you and your spouse/former
    spouse have available to divide;
  2. The last 12 months of personal and joint bank and credit card statements;
  3. The last 3 years of personal income tax returns and notices of assessment;
  4. A recent superannuation statement;
  5. The last 3 years of financial statements and tax returns of any entities you and/or
    your former spouse have an interest or control;
  6. Documents relating to the purchase and sale of real property;
  7. and
    Any documents relating to
     a. Loans from family and friends;
     b. Cash injections from family and friends during the relationship; and
     c. An inheritance you or your former spouse may have received.

Whilst this list is not exhaustive and if you:

  1. Cannot obtain these documents (for example the other party may have access to
    them and not you); or
  2. Need to come in at short notice
    Then that is not fatal.You will in due course have to provide these documents by way of discovery if the dispute
    does not resolve (as will they as to their documents).


    If you have any queries about what you should bring in for your initial appointment with us
    please do not hesitate to ask.